When it comes to home improvements, the littlest things often have a significant impact. Constructing a doorless shower will change the overall outlook of the bathroom, transforming it into a startling, modern shower room. Doorless showers are great for spacious bathrooms; however, they can be done in smaller bathroom spaces with proper planning.
The essence of the doorless bathroom is for aesthetics and simplicity; if you want one, here are ways to go about it.
1. Calculate the Area Needed For a Doorless shower
When calculating the area needed for your door shower, make sure you put the spray radius of your showerhead into consideration. An ideal distance should be between six to seven feet on all sides of the showerhead.
If you don't have doors, walls, or curtains to contain the water, the best way to prevent your space from soaking is by creating enough open space. If your total space is not enough, consider installing a half-wall, a curb, or a transparent partition wall to help you keep water within its limit.
2. Pick a Space
After you have made up your mind that you will install a doorless shower, your next step is to determine where you want it to be.
There are two factors you should consider when determining the location of the doorless shower. First, you need enough area space that can contain water splash.
Your second concern should be aesthetics. You may want to have your shower close to a window or in a secluded area for more privacy. If in a secluded area, consider using textured glass.
3. Put Floor Design into Consideration
The design you come up with for your doorless shower floor will go a long way to determining how it will function. The regular shower has a standard construction; this standard construction is not built to stop water flow if you decide to go doorless. Explore low-lying shower pans, especially those with raised thresholds; they are suitable for containing the flow.
4. Surround the Shower
If you want to improve the overall outlook of not just your shower area but the entire bathroom, let the bathroom outlook correspond with your shower area.
You can use Heavy-duty glass. Heavy-duty glass stands out because it helps blend the shower area and the rest of the bathroom. Go for high-definition glass because they don't have a green undertone like regular shower glass.
